Prophecy – November 7th

November 7th                           Sally’s Word

In a vision God showed me an abandoned beach in the early morning – the waves rolled in with regularity and predictability and I believe God is saying to one or more of us today

“My children those who have gathered here in my name, there is one, or more, who feels abandoned and sad and does not know which way to turn. I am the same yesterday, today and forever – be still and know that I am God – those waves or a picture of my presence, my provision, my healing of soul and body and just as the waves are predictable, so too, is my provision for you. I am making streams in the desert and a way in the wilderness, and as you pass through the valley of Baca you make it a place or springs. You will go from strength to strength! Draw close to me and put off unforgiveness and bitterness, and as you refresh yourself in me, you will find that your boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places!! take courage and wait, you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living”

November 7th                           Louella’s Word


Whilst Mark was talking about letting Christ be our Life this morning– and highlighting the fact that we as Christians many times fall back into a life of works (maybe inadvertently), instead of letting Christ live through me, the Spirit reminded me of the following scene on the shore of a beach.  The waves offshore were significant and high and crashing all over the show.

The first scene is of someone in a small boat, rowing with all their might, literally fighting the waves, being tossed to and fro trying to get somewhere, and despite the immense strength of the rower, really getting nowhere fast and becoming exhausted and discouraged in the process.

The second scene was of a surfer resting in between the wave sets, and when the time was right, positioning himself to catch the wave.  As he stands up and catches the wave, the strength of wave propels him forward and the strength of the mighty sea behind the surfer literally pushes him forward.

And the effort on the same set of waves revealed how positioning ourselves into God’s grace enables us to ride the wave of life, and even though the waves of life continue crashing behind and around us, positioning ourselves into the grace Christ allows us to ride the same waves and instead of trying to navigate our lives in our own strength, we find freedom and enjoyment of being in the Spirit with the God of heaven.   

I also felt that the waves crash forwards and return in seasons wiping away everything in its wake.  Everything behind the surfer is taken care of in Him.  In other words, our past failures, difficulties, backslidings etc. are behind us and covered in Him. Trying to row the boat ourselves seems to highlight all the difficulties and human effort of our own, resulting in misery and bondage.

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